October 14,


Our Story

Chris and Erin met because of art, music, and rivers. Doesn’t that sound romantic?

While not as romantic-sounding, they met in an unabashedly modern way on Twitter through a mutual admiration of each other’s art, funny quips, and cute faces. In October 2017, Erin was working on a series of illustrations called Hallowscreen. A popular artist they both follow on Twitter re-posted her illustrations, catching Chris’s attention. At the time, Chris was also getting ready to work on a monthly music project, Scenes from a Small State, filming landscapes around New Jersey and writing songs to accompany them. Through their art they found and followed each other, and from that following grew a friendship, even with Erin in Washington, D.C. and Chris in New Jersey.

In early 2018, Chris started the blog Riverquest, a small writing project documenting the geography and the historical significance of local rivers. Erin had grown up on the rivers of Southern Maryland, and when she read the first post of the project, she messaged Chris and offered (flirtily, perhaps) that he come down to check out local rivers in the DMV. They could see the Potomac river together (you know, the river), and maybe they could get lunch.

Much to Erin’s surprise, Chris agreed! And on a hot summer day in July 2018, two strangers from the internet met in person to explore the waters of the Potomac. Chris brought along his friends Justin (now his best man) and Brent. Everyone was much taller than Erin had pictured. And so much nicer and funnier. And cuter. And they did get lunch!

There wasn’t a day after that that Chris and Erin didn’t talk to each other. Chris would wake up at 6AM to send a morning greeting. Erin would stay at work late because she couldn’t stop talking to this guy. And a couple of months later, Chris came to visit again. Chris told Erin he loved her on their first date. She said of course, she loved him too.

And Then?

Two and a half years of long distance, going up to New Jersey and down to D.C. every other weekend. Those years were filled with video calls, Greyhound rides, meeting friends and were packed with new adventures. Then another year of living together in quarantine with their roommates Kyra and Hanna. That year was filled with k-pop, trivia, games, and a lot of homemade meals. And of course a little cat named Murphy.

In April 2021, on Erin’s birthday, Chris proposed to her on the banks of the Potomac, where it all began. She didn’t think she would ever be proposed to on her birthday, and Chris knew that she was hard to surprise, so he took his chance, and just as the beginning, she said of course.

They celebrated doubly with friends later that day, and Erin gave Chris a ring she had bought for him months earlier. She had carried it around everywhere in the event he would pop the question. Every day, of course, except for that day. And after a night of birthday cake and games, the rest is history.

Nowadays, their days are filled with exploring nature, spending time with their friends, and lots of love. They’re looking forward to getting married, and exploring Japan for their honeymoon!

We hope
to see you